5 Benefits of Wrapping Your Boat in Stylish Vinyl


Whether you’ve recently purchased your first boat, you have a commercial tourist rig, you’re an avid sailor or a professional yachtsman, customising your boat is the best way to make your pride and joy reflect who you are and what you represent. Many people prefer sticking with the plain white finish, however a boat vinyl wrap is a fantastic way of improving the aesthetic appeal of your boat, through a limitless selection of styles and designs. In this post we are going to explore a few of the reasons why boats are ideal for wrapping and customising:

 Plenty of Space for Your Design

Unless you’re packing a little dinghy, most boats have ample space for wrapping. Which means that you can pretty much utilise any style and design that you want – whether its an advertising graphic print, or you simply want to jazz up your personal vessel to make it stand out from the rest.

Ultimate Personalisation

There is no better way to truly make your boat your own, than by adding your very own, customised boat vinyl wrap. This gives you the perfect opportunity to utilise your favourite colours, styles and designs, all on your favourite possession! Whether you want to make a statement, or simply improve your boats aesthetic appeal with some subtle colour changes – a boat vinyl wrap will do just that.

Awesome for Advertising

Whether it’s out on the water or moored up in the harbour, your boat will be on display, which is why vinyl wrapping your boat is a great way of advertising. It’s an incredible marketing tool, particularly if you get creative with the style and design of your wrap – and which such a big surface area to play with, no one is going to struggle to see what you have to say!

Engaging Graphics

Say for example that you use your boat for commercial purposes and have invested in a shark tank so that you can take tourists swimming with great whites – a great way of engaging with your audience would be to utilise a vinyl boat wrap and transform your boat into an actual shark! There are so many different things that you can do, whether for commercial purposes or purely for your own amusement, but one thing is for certain; if you’re creative and you do it right, you’ll almost certainly stand above the rest.

It’s Great Fun

There is so much fun to be had with vinyl wrapping your boat. It seals the deal and finally makes your boat your own, standing out from the rest in the harbour. It’s your way of making a statement to the world that you are all about having a good time and enjoying life to the fullest! For some inspiration, why not check out Planet Wrap’s boat vinyl’s and see if you can get some ideas for your project.